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Everything Changes

When we first went into 'lockdown' for Covid-19. My first thoughts were how will everyone cope and survive? 

It was quite frightening.

Will we all survive.

Then when Prince Charles succumbed, what if the Queen and Prince Philip succumb to. William and Kate will be crowned king and Queen - it could happen!!

Well, it did not - did it? Unfounded worries. How will we cope? Who will shop for the elderly? Will there be enough food for everyone? Will there be enough of everything?

Well, we did start shakily.

Nothing like this has happened before. The older generation could remember the second world war, and they had been quite used to it. Making do and mending. The phrase was actually 'Make do and mend' Looking back it has not been as bad as those years yet. After all no ration books! No powdered eggs! and no sweet rationing. Just perhaps more loneliness…

Well, here we are ten weeks on.

Nearly forty thousand dead in Britain alone. all those families. Mourning and grieving. All those special people. Gone.

People trying to get back to normal. Beginning to try. What is normal - it will never happen. Life has changed forever. One way or another for most human beings.

Forty, fifty years to come, it will be written in history books and people will ask.

"How did they cope?"

And how are we beginning to cope?

Only time will tell.

Everything changes, nothing stays the same.

Central Rochdale

How has life been for you under Covid-19?


When COVID-19 first arrived. As senior citizens, we had to adopt a totally different lifestyle. Being in lockdown meant, someone doing our shopping, for us a younger relative. Having no one come to the house, it was all so unfamiliar. What should we do with our time? Well, the usual chores, housework and making meals. The television was used quite a lot more. We were able to exercise in our garden and sit outside when the weather permitted. We have been very careful and thankfully have kept healthy by observing the rules.

What is your chosen creative activity and explain why you have chosen to do this piece


I chose to write a piece for the '19' project. Ordinary people like myself need to tell of their experience and feelings over the month of lockdown.

For myself I usually take every day as it comes, being contented and hopefully healthy and peaceful. One day at a time.

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